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The Orinda Starlight Village Players


Our mission Statement is:

"The Orinda Starlight Village Players (OrSVP) is a non profit (501c3) community theatre company that produces live theatrical productions each summer at the Orinda Community Center Park Amphitheatre located at 28 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA.  The OrSVP mission is to produce quality entertainment for the residents of Orinda and its neighboring communities.  To enrich an engage our audience by broadening their experiences and thoughts through theatre.  To provide our community the opportunity both to attend and to participate in quality stage productions.  To promote theatre as an art form and to be an inclusive and accessible community based organization."



The Orinda Starlight Village Players (OrSVP) has performed every summer in the Orinda Community Center Park Amphitheater  (located at 28 Orinda Way in Orinda) since 1982.  Over the last 42 years the group has produced over 115 productions allowing hundreds of community members to share their talents both on and offstage - all while enriching the lives of each and every audience member.​​


OrSVP was founded by Orinda resident Charlotte Meyer in 1982. Charlotte was a theatre professional who was one of the founding members of Dramataurs in Lafayette ( now Town Hall Theatre) and she was the first woman in the Scene Painter Union in the 1920's.  She graduated from UC Berkley and regularly worked for the San Francisco Opera and Ballet Company.  In 1982 she heard about the amphitheater being built and created OrSVP to be the resident theatre company - the first show was produced in 1983 She directed shows with OrSVP into her 90's and  remained the central part of the OrSVP family until her passing.


Over the years OrSVP has become part of the fabric of the Orinda community and produces three mainstage productions each summer.


Complete OrSVP Production History


Current OrSVP Board and Staff


Would you like to join us?  There are always opportunities on stage and behind the scenes.  For More information CONTACT US.




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